torsdag den 28. oktober 2010
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by J S Foer
torsdag den 7. oktober 2010
tirsdag den 5. oktober 2010
Chapter 11 - The American family
The American family
Typical American family
If Americans should name their family:
Married Americans would say the name of their wife or husband and children. Their brothers and sisters are just single units.
Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents are extended family.
Traditional family
The American families were nuclear families which consumed of wife, husband and children and lived in a house or an apartment.
Grandparents were rarely found living with their married sons or daughters. And uncles and aunts almost never do.
The classic American family where the father was the “breadwinner” and the family mother was the “homemaker” and the family had two children.
Reality today
Only today a small percentage of American families are living like “stay-at-home” mother, a working father and children under 18 years.
25% Americans is living alone.
The Emphasis on Individual Freedom
“The result is that the needs of each individual take priority in the life of the family” – This means that you take care of the ones in your family and you have to satisfy them.
You may not advance the family as a group – you may not say that your family is a bad family socially or economic.
You may not bring honor to the family because family name and honor is less important than in aristocratic societies (the ones who has god the money got the power)
American families likes to take decisions on their own and do certainly not want to be controlled by other family members
Marriage and divorce
Arranged marriages
Very few – Because the parents thinks that their children is getting happier in life if they fall in love with someone they can live with.
Not much influence
The parents do not have any influence of the wedding plans before the couple has decided to get married. This means that the parents have very little control and generally no influence of who their children marry.
The role of the child
Guilty parents
It can be really hard for both parents having a job and not giving their child enough attention and gives them material things to compensate so that the children aren’t feeling that alone in the end.
Child-centered viewpoint
Parents struggle and finds their jobs hard to get through is that the parents are “conscientious”. That means that they are showing their children a lot of care and attention, but the problem is that their jobs are taking a lot of their time.
Equality in the Family
Children loves, but in fear
In the 1830s in aristocratic societies the father was accepted as the ruler and master. The children still loved him but with fear.
The democratic society destroys his status. Today there are less respect for and fear of the father.
Too much democracy in the home
The parents would likely argue that they have all control of behavior in the family especially when it comes to teenage children above 16 when they get their drivers license.
A lot of freedom
Americans gives their young people more freedom so their teach themselves to be independent and self-reliant.
“Leave the nest”
American children are expected to leave their home when they turn 18 and graduates from high school. They more likely moves to other cities and then goes to collage.
Four stages of marriage relationships
Equality in marriage
There are four stages, every stage with its own level of power for the wife.
Stage 1: Wife as servant to husband
The wife is expected to be obedient, with no power in the house hold. The husband controls everything.
Stage 2: Husband-head, Wife-helper
The wife is now freer to disagree; this comes from work outside of the household, and with it some power.
The husband still has the last word. Women can vote now that gives them power in society.
Stage 3: Husband-senior partner Wife-junior partner
It has become more normal for a wife to have a job; the wife has fewer duties in the household and more power. The wife has an income that is important; however the husband’s job still ranks higher.
Stage 4: Husband-Wife equal partners
Jobs are equally important and equal in childcare and chores to. The wife can now have the most important job and their power is therefore equal.
In the real world the wife now feels she have two jobs: childcare and work, however the wife gets less pay for the same work.
Society is falling behind, however at some work places there is a daycare in the same building, and in some cases the husband gets off work because of a new born baby.
The role of the family in society
Men and women are equal everywhere, and there is a great focus on the individual freedom in the family, this however makes the family less stabile.
The family life is important; however the individual freedom is equally important, that makes a paradox.
Today only one of four families is traditional: a husband, a wife and children. This can be related to the high divorce rate and the fact that most second marriages fail, because of the children.
A new kind of family is the single parents and the gay couples both with children.
Because children learn moral values from the family this is a problem in USA.
Family values
The traditional values are mainly protecting the family and faith in god.
The new blend values are about respecting the individual and their freedom.
The family has become a place to “charge up ones batteries”
How Americans spend their leisure time
Kapitel 10 - del 1
Social scientists believe that there is more in sport than just playing sports and getting exercise. But also that there is a large community seriously in it. Simple style where you play only becomes more and more unpopular.
In the United State are the top 3 of popular sports: football, basketball and baseball every game played on a team to win.
In sports, people of different races and backgrounds get an equal chance to excel. For this reason, notes sociologist Harry Edwards, Americans view organized sports as “a laboratory in which young men, regardless of social class, can learn the advantages and rewards of a competitive system”.
Women’s sports have grown in popularity in the United States, and they now have more funding and stronger support at the college level than in the past.
But when the social community is in the top, slogans are used to drive home the competitive virtues for the young players.
Still when the players really like to have a community, the coach don’t want to lose a game, they mean if someone says: “Don’t worry that you lose: you played a good game anyway” it isn’t good enough. They are play to win, and override maybe the player’s social life a bit.
In the United States they also start more extreme sports. Like river rafting, rock climbing and motorcycling.
mandag den 4. oktober 2010
Kapitel 9 !
Chapter 9
The Establishment of Public Schools in America
Americans believe that everybody deserves an equal opportunity to get a good education. In 1825 the United State began to establish schools for children with equal opportunity regardless of family background. The Americans were not only getting wiser, the public education did also help them to improve themselves in other ways and help them to help themselves. During the next century and a half, the schools were expanded to include grades 9-12, colleges and universities.
The Educational Ladder
A child normally start school at age five to six in kindergarten but some schools have preschool programs which starts at age three or four. They go 12 years in school, six years of elementary school, two years of middle school and four years of high school. After that it’s college and so on, depending of what you want with your life. This they call The Educational Ladder.
About 10 percent of children in the United State are sent on to private schools. A lot of these schools give religious instruction which the public schools don’t give. A lot of parents who lives in large cities choose to send their children to Catholic or other religious schools because they think they are safer and have higher academic standards.
There are also elite private schools which only a wealthy family can afford. At these schools scholarships are offered to talented students. Parents often send their children to these schools so they can maintain the upper-class position which they have from their parents.
Schools in districts with middle-class or wealthy families have more tax money to spend on the school than families in poorer districts have fewer money to spend on them, so they don’t have the fancy computers and the latest equipment like the rich schools.
Attending an American University
It costs to go to college; so many Americans can’t afford to go to expensive private schools so many have a job during their college years, just to pay the school, the books and the fact living away from home. And therefore many choose a community college in their hometowns because it is so much cheaper for two years and then some transfer to a state university later on. For those how come from a wealthy family and can afford the private schools they have more choices in school.
Today over half of all Americans have entered college, and those parents who couldn’t go to college when they were young really want to see their daughter or son go to college. Before World War 2 Harvard was only for elite students, but today also students from public high schools come to Harvard.
The Monetary Value of Education
About education the belief in the United States is that the more schooling you get the more money you’ll earn then you finish school. In the past it was possible to get a high-paid factory job without a college education. Unlike most of the jobs in the United State today require a college education or higher education, or you will only get a low-paid job such as in fast food restaurants and small stores.
Many public and private schools are making it easier to take classes; even if you’re not on the campus through something they call distance learning.
Educating the Individual
The goal of the American Education system is to teach children how to learn and to help them reach their maximum potential. There are clubs for the students outside the school for almost every student interest, art, music, drama and so on. And they are all to help the student become successful later on in life and the parents’ interests in the things they do is just as high as for the ordinary studding.