tirsdag den 21. september 2010

Capitel 7!!

A suspicion of strong government

- A strong government is the natural enemy of the “free people

- The men behind the American Revolution in 1776 believed that GB was the free people’s enemy.

The organization of the American Government

- The US government is divided into 3 parts, basically the; congress, the president and the constitution.

- With the meaning of this, the president can’t make anything happened without the approval of one of the congress, which needs the approval of the constitution. And the congress and constitution can make anything a law without the president’s signature ore 2/3 votes from the congress and the constitution.

The election of the President and the congress

- The two congresses can’t determine who becomes president, but it happens that a leader of the parties becomes president.

- How is the president chosen?

The ideal of the free individual

- The ideal of the free individualism from 1860-1930 was that the government should not interfere in business, so for this reason they didn’t have that much power.

The development of big government

- From small government to a big one.

- Depression, health care, unemployed money.

The role of special interest group

Government and politics are based on reaching compromises with a large number of groups and pleasing as many as possible.

The new individualism: interest group government

- A lot of politicians depend of interest groups giving them money for a campaign if they support their interest or give them their guaranty of voters, especially in the constitution where they are elected every 2 years.

1 kommentar:

  1. ayam petarung Live di Bangkok yang di tayangkan secara Online hanya di Agen BOLAVITA
